
Great ideas emerge from anyone, anywhere, and we're here to support those who dare to dream and build. At FIC, we don't just invest in companies; we invest in visionary founders – individuals who are shaping the future of our economy, creating jobs, and contributing to the economic diversity of our state and country.


More than just capital

Are you a visionary founder with a game-changing idea? At FIC, we're here to support your journey. We understand the unique challenges you face and are committed to helping you achieve your goals. Our approach goes beyond providing capital – we connect you with a diverse team of seasoned professionals and a global network of individuals who are dedicated to seeing you, your ideas, and your company thrive. Apply for funding or scroll below to learn more about our investment process.

What does our investment process look like?

Phase 1

Deal Sourcing and Screening

At FIC, we're on the lookout for boldly innovative startups poised to drive change and contribute to economic diversity in Florida and beyond.

We're eager to hear from you, but first, consider our investment criteria:

• Investing in Visionaries: We seek visionary founders who share our passion for innovation and growth.

• Early-Stage Focus: While our specialty lies in nurturing and growing early-stage companies, we're open to exploring opportunities regardless of whether you're pre-revenue or post-revenue.

• Flexible Investment Range: Typically, our investments range from $250,000 to $1M, but we're willing to invest above or below this range if the opportunity aligns.

• Industry and Geography Agnostic: We believe that great ideas know no bounds, which is why we're industry and geography agnostic. We're open to groundbreaking concepts from anywhere and anyone.

• Lead Investors: We prefer to be lead investors in our portfolio companies, providing you with the support and guidance you need. This active involvement ensures that we are fully committed to helping you navigate challenges and seize opportunities, making us more than just passive backers.

If your company aligns with our criteria, let's connect (link to connect page) and explore the possibilities together. Even if we aren't the best fit, we can help point you in the right direction to find the support you need.

Phase 2

Introduction Meeting

• Once we hear from you and determine that your venture aligns with FIC's criteria, we proceed with our first step of due diligence, which begins with an introductory meeting, where we warmly welcome you to share your company's vision and potential.

• This meeting serves as a platform for transparent discussions, fostering mutual understanding and alignment.

• We delve into key topics such as your unique problem-solving abilities, deep customer insights, and go-to-market strategies.

Phase 3

Advisory Group Review

Building on our introductory meeting, our FIC team conducts a rigorous technical review focused on assessing the feasibility and maturity of your offering.

Our primary goal is to understand the technical challenges and opportunities within your venture.

During this phase, we may identify areas where additional expertise from our seasoned team of advisors is beneficial to ensure your success.

Phase 4

Partner Review

Progressing from the technical review, we enter a critical stage where FIC engages in comprehensive due diligence.

This process is led by our diverse team of advisors, leveraging their deep industry expertise and experience.

The thorough assessment reaffirms our commitment to your success and the potential of our partnership.

In many cases, we initiate discussions with a term sheet before delving into due diligence, showcasing our commitment to efficient and transparent processes.

Our due diligence process includes rigorous financial analysis, grounded in sound business assumptions, which guides our decision-making.

Importantly, our investment decisions aren't binary; we value ongoing conversations to ensure alignment with both your objectives and our investment criteria

Phase 5

Deployment – Life as an FIC Company

We collaborate with you to tailor the funding structure, whether as a lump sum or milestone-based, to best support your growth.

As an FIC-backed company, you enter a dynamic ecosystem of capital, resources, and expertise to accelerate your journey. This includes board representation, marketing strategy, networking, and access to seasoned operators.

Regular progress reviews are proactive, guiding you through challenges and helping you seize opportunities effectively.

Phase 6


- FIC partners with you to meticulously explore a range of exit strategies, tailored to your venture's unique circumstances.

- Whether it's a strategic recapitalization, a lucrative acquisition, going public with an IPO, or continuing operations independently, we work together to determine the most rewarding path for your venture's future.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can FIC help my startup grow?
FIC provides more than just capital. We leverage our extensive network of subject-matter experts, advisors, and industry connections to support your company's growth. Our Advisory Group, with diverse backgrounds and expertise, can help you navigate challenges, refine your business model, and access valuable resources.
What types of companies does FIC invest in?
FIC seeks opportunities in a wide range of sectors, including both early-stage startups and mature companies. Our cross-industry approach allows us to identify unique opportunities that might not be on the radar of other investment firms. We also invest in pre-revenue companies, assisting them in establishing go-to-market strategies.
What sets FIC apart from other investors?
FIC differentiates itself through its Advisory Group, a team of subject-matter experts with diverse backgrounds who assess investments for feasibility, intellectual integrity, economic potential, and execution capabilities. We actively engage with our portfolio companies, offering board representation, advisory roles, and resources to ensure success
What types of investments does FIC make?
FIC has the flexibility to lead funding rounds, make minority direct investments, or pursue sidecar opportunities. Most investments are equity plays, either direct equity or convertible notes. We may also explore investments designed to generate regular dividend streams over time.
How involved is FIC with its portfolio companies?
FIC is not just a passive investor. We actively engage with our portfolio companies, often taking seats on their boards. We require an appropriate level of influence and transparency to guide company managers and accelerate growth.

Connect with us

We want to hear from you. If you are interested in applying for funding, want to learn more about investing with us, or have any questions for us, let’s connect.

Email us

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9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EST